小沼 豊
  コヌマ ユタカ   KONUMA Yutaka
   所  属   教職大学院(札)
   職  名   准教授
発表年月日 2020/03
発表テーマ Factors in Teachers Help-seeking Preferences: From the viewpoint of teachers with new appointment terms
会議名 The ACP2020 Conference The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences
主催者 The ACP2020 Conference The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences
発表区分 学会発表
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 単独
開催地名 Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan Thursday, March 26, 2020 - Sunday, March 29, 2020
種別 国際的又は全国的規模
発表者・共同発表者 KONUMA Yutaka
概要 This research examines the factors that influence teachers help-seeking preferences using a structural equation model. Teachers with new appointment terms often face difficulties in their work and tend to ask other teachers or administrators for help. To identify the various factors in teachers help-seeking preferences, an investigation using a questionnaire was administered to teachers who held new appointments at elementary schools; 91 teachers responded to this questionnaire.
備考 ISSN 2187-4743 PP.113-116