1. |
2023/10 |
Applying the Testing Effect to Vocabulary Learning in Class(2023 Japan Association of Language Teaching International Conference) |
2. |
2023/08 |
Maximizing Vocabulary Gain in Junior High School Students Through Spaced Learning(The 48th Meeting of Japan Society of English Language Education at Kagawa University) |
3. |
2023/03 |
分散学習とテスト効果を活用した効果的な語彙の指導と学習(第55回日本言語テスト学会研究例会) |
4. |
2022/11 |
分散学習とテスト効果を生かした語彙指導(2022年度北海道英語教育学会授業実践フォーラム) |
5. |
2022/03 |
Suggestions for sound and rhythm instructions in English Lessons(The 2021 Joint Meeting of JACET, HELES, and JICA) |
6. |
2022/02 |
Learning English with the Beatles(the February Study Meeting of Nara University of Education) |
7. |
2021/11 |
With the Beatles: Teaching English with the Beatles(The 2021 JACET Hokkaido Chapter Study Meeting) |
8. |
2021/10 |
Suggestions for vocabulary instruction in class: Introducing distributed learning and testing effect(The 22th Meeting of the Hokkaido English Language Education Society) |
9. |
2021/08 |
How can cumulative tests be applicable to effective L2 vocabulary instruction?(The 46th Meeting of the Japan Society of English Language Education) |
10. |
2021/08 |
How to evaluate English reading and wrting skills under the new Course of Study(2021 Seminar on English Education at Kamikawa Education Research Center) |
11. |
2021/06 |
Vocabulary instruction with distributed learning and testing effect(The 50th Meeting of the Chubu English Language Education Society) |
12. |
2021/06 |
Which cues, nouns or adverbs, can provide most assistance for remembering new verbs?(EURO SLA 30) |
13. |
2021/03 |
The Effect of Known-and-Unknown Two-Word Combinations on Intentional Vocabulary Learning(2020 Joint Seminar of Three Academic Societies on Language Learning in Hokkaido) |
14. |
2020/08 |
Integrated Teaching of Reading and Writing(2020 Seminar on English Education at Kamikawa Education Research Center) |
15. |
2020/02 |
Speaking Practice and Activities for Fluency Development(English Education Meeting at Nara Univ. of Education in February, 2020) |
16. |
2019/12 |
Conducting English Lessons in English: For Fun and Achievement(A Winter Seminar at Kumamoto Gakuin University) |
17. |
2019/08 |
Improving Oral Communication Skills: Considering Fluency Development and Four Dimensions(2019 Summer Seminar of Kamikawa Education Research Center) |
18. |
2019/08 |
When to Conduct a Vocabulary Quiz: Before the Review or After the Review?(The 49th Meeting of the Japan Society of English Language Education in Hirosaki) |
19. |
2019/07 |
Integrating Theory and Practice in Testing and Assessment(2019 JACET Hokkaido Conference) |
20. |
2019/06 |
Theoretical Support for "Time to Fly"(2020 Meeting of the Chubu English Language Education Society in Kanazawa) |
21. |
2018/10 |
Conducting English Lessons in English at JHS(English Education Meeting at Nara Univ. of Education in October, 2018) |
22. |
2018/08 |
How to develop consistant evaluations between elementary school and junior high school(平成30年度 上川教育センター研修講座) |
23. |
2018/07 |
Let's enjooy sounds and rhythm of English!(The 2018 On-demand Lesson Project at Asahikawa Eiryo High School) |
24. |
2018/07 |
生徒の英語力を高める評価の在り方(平成30年度胆振英語研究会サマーセミナー) |
25. |
2018/06 |
Developing speaking skills: Accuracy, fluency and creativity(Let Kanto 2018) |
26. |
2018/06 |
What are good about Mr. Okuhira's instructions?(第48回中部地区英語教育学会静岡大会) |
27. |
2018/05 |
Let your students enjoy sounds and rythm of English!(奈良教育大学英語教育研究会・中部地区英語教育学会課題別プロジェクト) |
28. |
2018/03 |
Creating effective tests that can improve students' English proficiency: Theory and practice(JACET Hokkaido, HELES, JCA Hokkaido--Joint Meeting 2017) |
29. |
2018/02 |
楽しい英語再入門 Let's have fun again in learning English!(平成29年度 地域連携研修事業講演会) |
30. |
2017/12 |
教師のための英語ブラッシュアップ講座 Let's have fun in learning Englsih!(平成29年度 足寄町学校教育振興会並びに足寄町生涯学習研究所教育講演会) |
31. |
2017/11 |
Seven principles for teaching and learning vocabulary in EFL situations(2017 Pacific Rim Conference) |
32. |
2017/08 |
Creating English tests that can measure students' abilities, effectively improving their English proficiencies(JACET 56th International Convention) |
33. |
2017/08 |
The appropriate number of words in a vocabulary quiz and what intervals are optimal between two quiz sessions(The 47th Meeting of the Japan Society of Enlish Language Education) |
34. |
2017/07 |
Three Perspective to Deal with the New Course of Study(平成29年度 上川教育センター研修講座) |
35. |
2017/03 |
日本人英語学習者の語彙及びフォーミュラの習得をいかに促進させるか(JACETリーディング・英語語彙・英語辞書研究会合同フォーラム) |
36. |
2016/12 |
How to increase your English vocabulary(平成28年度北海道旭川南高等学校大学出張講義) |
37. |
2016/11 |
How to make your students active through English lessons(平成28年度 オホーツク管内英語教育研究大会) |
38. |
2016/11 |
Introducing the concept of active learning into Englsih lessons(平成28年度 第48回上川・旭川地区中学校・高等学校英語科連絡合同研究会) |
39. |
2016/11 |
Teaching vocabulary in the Japanese EFL environment(長野県 秋の外国語教育研究会) |
40. |
2016/10 |
アクティブラーニングの考えを取り入れた生徒を動かす授業づくり(2016年度 胆英研研究大会) |
41. |
2016/08 |
Active Learningの考えを取り入れた生徒を動かす授業づくり(胆振英語教育研究協議会サマーセミナー) |
42. |
2016/07 |
How to make your students active in listening and speaking activities(平成28年度 上川教育センター研修講座) |
43. |
2016/06 |
PPP or TBLT: Why not "hybrid" PPP in English?(The 14th Asia TEFL International Conference and 11th FEELTA International Conference) |
44. |
2016/06 |
Teaching vocabulary in EFL situations in Japan(The 46th Annual Meeting of Chubu English Ediucation Society) |
45. |
2016/01 |
The Effects of Expanding and Equally Spaced Retrival Practice on Long-term L2 Vocabulary Retention(The 14th Hawaii International Conference on Education) |
46. |
2015/12 |
For the Joy of Communication in English(Nanae Elementary, Junior High and Senior High School English Education Association) |
47. |
2015/12 |
Three Triangles in Team Teaching(Hokkaido 2015 ALT Skill Development Conference) |
48. |
2015/10 |
PPP or TBLT: Why Not Hybrid PPP?(The 16th Annual Meeting of the Hokkaido English Language Education Society) |
49. |
2015/09 |
生徒の力を伸ばす定期テストの作り方-妥当性と信頼性に留意して(日本言語テスト学会 第19回全国研究大会) |
50. |
2015/08 |
JACET 基本語改訂特別委員会Syposium 新JACET8000の提案(大学英語教育学会第54回国際大会) |
51. |
2015/08 |
Which is Better for Intentional Vocabulary Learning: Expanding Space or Equally-Spaced Retrieval Practice?(The 41st Meeting of Japan Society of English Language Education) |
52. |
2015/07 |
生徒の力を伸ばすテストの作り方(平成27年度上川研修センター研修講座) |
53. |
2015/06 |
Vocabulary Knowledge that can be obtained through Hybrid PPP(THe 45th Meeting of Chubu English Language Education Society) |
54. |
2015/01 |
Producing a list of known-and-unknown word combinations for learners of English(The 13th Hawaii International Conference on Education) |
55. |
2014/08 |
Making a list of known-and-unknown word combinations for learners of English(The 40th Meeting of Japan Society of English Language Education) |
56. |
2014/07 |
How to Present New Words to EFL Students(第16回想英会夏季研修会) |
57. |
2014/07 |
Teaching Vocabulary at Junior High School(平成26年度上川教育センター 外国語科指導研修講座) |
58. |
2014/06 |
Considering and developing effective English teaching methods in the Japanese EFL context(The 44th Meeting of Chubu English Language Education Society) |
59. |
2013/12 |
Pedagogical Implication of Known-and-Unknown Word Combinations(Vocab@Vic) |
60. |
2013/08 |
The Effectiveness of Known-and-Unknown Word Combinations for Novice Learners of English(The 39th Meeting of Japan Society of English Language Education) |
61. |
2013/07 |
What Should EFL Teachers Know to Improve Students' Listening and Speaking Skills?(平成25年度 上川教育研修センター 外国語科指導研修講座) |
62. |
2013/06 |
The Effect of Known-and-Unknown Word Combinations on Intentional Vocabulary Learning(The 33rd Meeting of The Tsukuba Society of English Language Teaching) |
63. |
2013/03 |
What two-word combinations are effective for intentional vocabulary learning?(American Association for Applied Linguistics 2013 Conference) |
64. |
2013/01 |
Which combination, verb + noun or verb + adverb, is better for intentional vocabulary learning?(2013 Hawaii International Conference on Education) |
65. |
2012/11 |
「急速に変化する時代と若者にどう向き合うか-高校・大学でできること-」(平成24年度 上川管内高等学校教務担当教員研究協議会) |
66. |
2012/10 |
How to conduct English Lessons in English(2012年度函館地区高等学校英語教育研究大会) |
67. |
2012/10 |
Which is a better cue, a noun or an adverb, to remember a new verb?(The 13th Annual Meeting of the Hokkaido English Language Education Soceity) |
68. |
2012/08 |
Considering the feasibility of TBLT based on "Focus on Form" in the Japanese SLA English classroom(The JACET 51st International Convention Book) |
69. |
2012/08 |
Which combination, adjective + noun or verb + noun is better for intentional vocabulary learning?(thr 38th Meeting of the Japan Soceity of English Language Education) |
70. |
2012/08 |
「小学校との連携を図った外国語科指導の在り方」(上川教育研修センター 平成24年度研修講座) |
71. |
2011/12 |
Relationship between depth of collocation knowledge and L2 proficiency using the Depth Test of Collocation Knowledge(The 8th Vocabulary Research Group Annual Conference) |
72. |
2011/10 |
University entrance examinations and language testing in Japan(The 15th Annual Conference of the Japan Language Testing Association) |
73. |
2011/09 |
Exploring a new battery of multi-facet vocabulary tests(大学英語教育学会第50回国際記念大会) |
74. |
2011/08 |
How to conduct English lessons in English(The 37th Meeting of the Japan Society of English Language Education) |
75. |
2011/07 |
「小学校5,6年生の語彙知識:音声, 意味, 文字の結びつきに関して」(第11回 小学校英語教育学会 大阪大会) |
76. |
2011/07 |
コミュニケーション能力の基礎を培う外国語科(英語)指導の在り方~言語活動の取扱い、言語材料の取り扱いとの関連~(上川教育センター 平成23年度研修講座) |
77. |
2011/07 |
教室でできる語彙指導(平成23年度 想英会 夏季研修講座) |
78. |
2011/03 |
Are Two-word Collocations Better than Single Words on Intentional Vocabulary Learning?(American Association for Applied Linguistics 2011 Conference) |
79. |
2010/09 |
Suggestions for the Effective English Teaching in the Japanese EFL Environment(JACET 49th Annual Convention Program) |
80. |
2010/08 |
The Effect of Two-word Collocations on Intentional Vocabulary Learning(The 36th meeting of the Japan Society of English Language Education) |
81. |
2010/07 |
Suggestions for Vocabulary Teaching in Class(北海道教育大学旭川校英語教育研究会 平成22年度 研究大会) |
82. |
2010/07 |
コミュニケーション能力の基礎を培う外国語科(英語)指導の在り方ー「聞くこと」、「話すこと」の指導計画の作成や授業の工夫(上川教育センター 平成22年度研修講座) |
83. |
2010/07 |
新出語をどのように提示するかー単独提示、文脈提示、コロケーション提示の比較(JACET英語語彙研究会・ESP研究会共同発表会) |
84. |
2010/06 |
5-minute Activities for Vocabulary Teaching in Class(ELTA 1st Workshop in 2010) |
85. |
2009/11 |
How to conduct English lessons in English(The 13th Seitoku seminar for English teachers) |
86. |
2009/09 |
英語語彙習得研究の前線ー語彙学習に与える知見ー(筑波大学大学院人文社会科学研究科 現代語・現代文化専攻主催 現代語・現代文化フォーラム) |
87. |
2009/08 |
Are two words better than one for intentional vocabulary learning?(The 35th meeting of the Japan Society of English Language Education) |
88. |
2008/12 |
英語語彙習得研究の前線-英単語学習のウソ・ホント(聖徳大学言語文化研究所第120回公開研究発表) |
89. |
2008/11 |
An analysis of the Center Listening Test from 2006 to 2008(The 20th Reitaku University Seminar on the Methods of English Education) |
90. |
2008/10 |
The effect of speech rate, vocabulary and task characteristics on the item difficulty on the Center Listening Test from 2006 to 2008(The 9th meeting of the Hokkaido English Language Education Society) |
91. |
2008/10 |
実践的コミュニケーション能力を高める英語科の授業と評価(平成20年度茨城県5年次研修講座(英語)) |
92. |
2008/08 |
The effects of lexical frequency ans richness on the item difficulty of the 2008 Center Listening Test(The 34th meeting of the Japan Society of English Language Education) |
93. |
2008/07 |
A balanced blend of input, intake and output in an English class(The 8th Seitoku Seminar for English teachers) |
94. |
2008/03 |
Developing a diagnostic test for vocabulary learning of novice EFL learners in Japan(the JACET 2nd Joint Conference on English Lexicography and Vocabulary) |
95. |
2008/02 |
The 2008 Center Listening Test(The 6th Seitoku seminar for English teachers) |
96. |
2007/09 |
A balanced blend of input, intake and output in an English lesson(The intensive seminar for English teachers in Ibaraki prefecture) |
97. |
2007/08 |
The effects of speech rate and task characteristics on the item difficulty of the Center Listening Test(The 33th meeting of the Japan Society of English Language Education) |
98. |
2007/02 |
Item analysis of the listening test in English proficiency administered by the National Center Test for university admission(The 3rd Seitoku seminar for English teachers) |
99. |
2006/10 |
For well-balanced triangle through team-teaching(The 2006-2007 ALT mid-year seminar at Ibaraki Prefectural Office) |
100. |
2006/10 |
Item analysis of the listening test in English proficiency administered by the National Center Test(The 153th Meeting of IRICE English Language Education Society) |
101. |
2006/08 |
2006年度大学入試センター試験英語ペーパーテストとリスニングテストの相関関係について(第32回全国英語教育学会高知研究大会) |
102. |
2006/06 |
生徒とのインタラクションを重視したリーディング指導(平成18年度福島県いわき市教育委員会英語教員研修講演) |
103. |
2005/08 |
望月語彙サイズテスト修正版の作成(第31回全国英語教育学会札幌研究大会) |
104. |
2004/10 |
Threshold vocabulary size for incidental vocabulary learning for MC glosses(The 5th Meeting of the Hokkaido English Language Education Society) |
105. |
2004/08 |
テキスト・リーダビリティが注釈による付随的語彙学習に与える影響について(第30回全国英語教育学会長野研究大会) |
106. |
2004/08 |
読解力測定としての英文和訳テストの信頼性・妥当性(第30回全国英語教育学会長野研究大会) |
107. |
2004/06 |
高校生・大学生の語彙サイズと未知語推測成功率の関係(第24回筑波英語教育学会研究発表) |
108. |
2002/11 |
学習者の意欲を高める授業のあり方について(平成14年度北海道立教育研究所研究講座) |