安井 友康
  ヤスイ トモヤス   YASUI Tomoyasu
   所  属   札幌校
   職  名   教授
発表年月日 2024/08
発表テーマ Comparative Study of Adapted Physical Education in Elementary Schools : Ecosystem analysis of Sapporo and Berlin
会議名 International Symposium of Asian Society for Adapted Physical Education and Exercise(ASAPE)
主催者 Asian Society for Adapted Physical Education and Exercise(ASAPE)
発表区分 学会発表
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 共同
開催地名 Sapporo
開催期間 2024/08/02~2024/08/04
種別 国際的又は全国的規模
発表者・共同発表者 Ai Senga, Tomoyasu Yasui, Rhino Yamamoto, Ryosuke Tsuda✳︎, Ayaka Matsuno, Chisa. Ikeda, Koji Yamashita
概要 This study is intended to clarify the differences and commonalities between both countries through an ecosystem analysis of adapted physical education in elementary schools in Sapporo and Berlin. Regarding the circumstances of physical education in each city, differences in school systems and class sizes were attributable to differences in each country’s laws. In Berlin, adapted physical education has been gaining ground in regular classes in both regular and special needs schools. In Sapporo, it has been occasionally used in” exchange / joint learning'' between regular classes and special needs classes in regular schools. In addition, expert teachers have taught special needs classes and schools. A comparison using an ecosystem analysis of physical education in Japanese and German cities revealed significant differences in their respective educational systems and implementation conditions for adapted physical education.