川端 美穂
  カワバタ ミホ   KAWABATA Miho
   所  属   旭川校
   職  名   教授
発表年月日 2024/08
発表テーマ The Influence of Object Color Knowledge on Color Discrimination and Recognition in Early Childhood: Do Young Children See Red, or Do They Perceive the Red Hue of Apples?
会議名 PECERA Annual Conference 2024 Tokyo
主催者 Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA)
発表区分 学会発表
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 共同
国名 日本
開催期間 2024/08/02~2024/08/04
種別 国際的又は全国的規模
発表者・共同発表者 Miho Kawabata (Department of Early Childhood Education, Hokkaido University of Education)
Yasuhiro Kawabata (Department of Psychology, Hokkaido University)
概要 When memorizing colors in daily life, adults are often influenced by their knowledge of typical colors of objects, causing the colors they remember to shift toward these typical colors (Sasaki & Kawabata, 2018). We devised an experiment employing a paradigm appropriate for young children, whose empirical knowledge of object color is less than that of adults. 3-6-year-old children participated in the experiment, and their results were compared with those of adults.
The results of this study suggest that, 3-6-year-old children are becoming influenced by the typical color of the object, just as adults do. However, perhaps because they have less experiential knowledge of color, the influence is still weak, and they seem sensitive to the physical perceptual properties of objects and perceive the color of the object more realistically than adults. They may be living in a realistic and precise color world.
その他参考事項 Annual Conference 2024 Tokyo, Abstracts for Concurrent Paper Sessions & Poster Sessions, pp.342-343.
備考 Poster Sessions 1 (Day 2, August 3, 9:00 - 10:30) PECERA 2024, P1-3L-09