片桐 徳昭
  カタギリ ノリアキ   KATAGIRI Noriaki
   所  属   旭川校
   職  名   教授
発表年月日 2017/05
発表テーマ Analyses of Non-Native Preservice English Teacher Verbal Interactions on COLT Part B Scheme
会議名 ACLL2017 The Asian Conference on Language Learning
主催者 International Academic Forum (IAFOR)
発表区分 学会発表
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 共同
開催地名 Art Center Kobe, Japan
種別 国際的又は全国的規模
発表者・共同発表者 Yukiko Ohashi
概要 This case study aimed to identify characteristics of fourteen non-native preservice English teachers seeking to obtain an English teacher certificate in Japan. We utilized verbal interaction analyses based on COLT Part B scheme. Chi-squared tests on the Year 7 group and the Year 8 group showed significant differences in giving unpredictable information (p =.0408), sustained speech (p =.0320), and repetition in incorporation of student utterances (p =.000).